The mysterious digital world of the Internet leaves every business open to cyber attack, and there are many different types of virus and malicious code that is designed to steal or destroy digital data. If you want to maximise your chances of success, data protection isn’t something you can afford to overlook, and with that in mind, here is a list of potential forms of cyber attacks to include in your protection plan.
This term describes computer code that takes control over the machine, which might be to monitor keyboard activity or send data back to its creator regarding what websites you like to visit. Malware is widely used by unscrupulous digital marketing outfits who sell the data on to other marketing organisations. If you already have an antivirus system in place, CXO Security based in Sydney offer a penetration testing services that is second to none and it is the best way to test your online security. Malware can sit undetected on your hard drive until triggered by a date, time or command, and so sophisticated are they, that they can rename themselves and move around to avoid detection.
Cyber attacks via Phishing
Phishing is a very popular way for hackers to gain sensitive information. It might come in the form of an official looking email explaining that data was compromised and they need you to validate your account information, which is usually contained in an attachment, or another popular way is to copy a website and get you to click on it. If, for example, you use online banking, and if the bank should send you an email with a link to their website, you are well advised not to click on it, rather bring up the bank’s homepage from your bookmarks. If you suspect a website to be fake, take a close look at the URL, which would have to be slightly different to the real web address.
SQL Injection Attack
This is a complex way for a hacker to get a server to divulge sensitive information. SQL stands for structured query language, which is used extensively to manage databases. An SQL injection attack is when lines of code are inserted that force the database to dump specific information, which might be credit card numbers, personal information, or other sensitive data. There are several known ways to do this and the best way to protect yourself from an SQL injection attack is to enlist the help of a data security specialist, who can make sure your data is always protected against all forms of cyber attack.
There are, of course, many other forms of malicious code and viruses that can infect your computers and possibly steal your data. If you would like a free assessment of your current data protection, simply contact a local data protection specialist who can carry out some penetrative tests. One simply cannot afford to take chances with critical data, which is why most companies outsource their data protection to a specialist.
Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash